The amazing lunchbox story and resources
The amazing lunchbox
A presentation about the amazing lunchbox story.
The amazing lunchbox teacher's guide
The teacher's guide for the amazing lunchbox story.
Add it up
A worksheet looking at adding up the cost of different foods.
Calcium calculations
A worksheet investigating how much calcium is in different dairy products.
Catching the bus
A worksheet looking at the timings to catch the bus to the supermarket.
Converting units
A worksheet looking at converting units.
Drink plenty
A worksheet exploring drinking plenty of fluid.
Drink up
A worksheet looking at hydration.
Food labels
A worksheet exploring food labels.
A worksheet exploring fractions.
Function junction
A worksheet exploring multiplying and dividing foods.
Haiku poem
A worksheet about haiku poems.
Have a change
A worksheet investigating the different foods that can make up a healthy lunc...
Instructional writing
A worksheet looking at instructional writing.
Make a healthy lunchbox
A worksheet about making a healthy lunchbox.
Missing items
A worksheet looking at which items make up a healthy lunchbox.
Persuade me
A worksheet looking at how to persuade others to eat healthy.
Your choice
A worksheet about choices when eating.
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