FFL knowledge organisers
The team at Food – a fact of life has been busy putting together some new additions to our series of Knowledge organisers for both primary and secondary schools. If you are looking for resources to support pupil learning in class or to use as a revision aid, these Knowledge organisers are ideal.
There are Knowledge organisers around healthy eating, cooking, where food comes from and food commodities for pupils aged 5-7, 7-11, 11-14 and 14-16 Years. Key topics such as digestion, food hygiene and safety, food science, sensory science, and consumer awareness are also covered.
New for 2023 are our Knowledge organisers focusing on dairy, red meat and poultry, fish and shellfish and fruit and vegetables for pupils aged 11-14 years and 14-16 years.
If you work in a primary school that teaches in the medium of Welsh, the Knowledge organisers for pupils aged 5-7 and 7-11 years have been translated into Welsh!
What is a knowledge organiser?
A Knowledge organiser collates the key facts and information on a particular topic, broken down in an easily digestible way. The FFL Knowledge organisers incorporate images, key terms and definitions (11-14 and 14-16 Years) and plenty of information suitable to each age phase.
The FFL Knowledge organisers can be edited to suit the needs of your pupils and the requirements of particular 14-16 examination specifications.
What is the purpose of FFL's Knowledge organisers?
- To provide pupils with key facts/information and what they should know and can do at each age phase.
- To provide an opportunity to learn, check and extend knowledge.
- To develop key subject specific vocabulary/terminology.
Teaching staff:
- To provide an outline of knowledge and skills that should be taught at each age phase.
- To provide consistency between teaching colleagues in the same school or group of schools.
- To support new, less-experienced and non-specialist teachers.
- To save teachers time and reduce workload.
How can they be used in lessons?
Knowledge organisers are commonly used in several ways:
- Prior to starting a topic, to encourage class discussion or for pupils to get a feel of what the topic will entail.
- Encouraging pupils to bring their knowledge organisers to class as a regular retrieval tool, to help them frame each lesson in the context of the topic.
- During class as a handy reminder of spelling, key terms and key themes of each topic.
- As a revision tool where pupils can use the Knowledge organisers to quiz themselves.
- Cut up and used as flash-cards.
- To extend pupil’s knowledge through completing related tasks.
You could print a Knowledge organiser and put it on the wall in your classroom so pupils can refer to it when required and as a reminder of the topic being worked on.
The Knowledge organisers demonstrate progression in key knowledge and skills throughout the age phases. To find out more go to: 5-7 Years, 7-11 Years, 11-14 Years and 14-16 Years.
Examples of some of the Knowledge organisers can be found below.
Knowledge organisers 5-7
Healthy eating KO 5-7
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around healthy eating and physical...
Food for life KO 5-7
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around food for life.
Food hygiene, safety and cooking KO 5-7
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around food hygiene, safety and coo...
Planning what to cook KO 5-7
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around planning what to cook.
Where food comes from KO 5-7
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around where food comes from.
Cereals, fruit, vegetables and potatoes KO 5-7
A knowledge organiser providing key facts around cereals, fruit, vegetables a...
Dairy, meat and fish KO 5-7
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around dairy, meat and fish.
Knowledge organisers 7-11
Energy, nutrients and digestion KO 7-11
A knowledge organiser providing key facts around energy, nutrients and digest...
Food hygiene, safety and cooking KO 7-11
A knowledge organiser providing key facts around food hygiene, safety and coo...
Planning what to cook KO 7-11
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around planning what to cook.
Healthy eating and activity KO 7-11
A knowledge organiser providing key facts around healthy eating and activity.
Where food comes from KO 7-11
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around where food comes from.
Cereals, fruit, vegetables and potatoes KO 7-11
A knowledge organiser providing key facts around cereals, fruit, vegetables a...
Dairy, meat and fish KO 7-11
A knowledge organiser providing key facts around dairy, meat and fish.
Knowledge organisers 11-14 years
Dairy KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around dairy.
Red meat and poultry KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around red meat and poultry.
Fish and shellfish KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around fish and shellfish.
Fruit and vegetables KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around fruit and vegetables.
Diet, activity and health KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around diet, activity and health.
Eatwell Guide KO
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around the Eatwell Guide.
Energy, nutrients and digestion KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around energy, nutrients and digest...
Cooking KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around cooking.
Food hygiene and safety KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around food hygiene and safety.
Food labelling KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around food labelling.
Ingredients - functional characteristics KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around the functional characteristi...
Sensory characteristics KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around sensory characteristics.
Planning what to cook KO 11-14
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around planning what to cook.
Knowledge 14-16 years
Dairy KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around dairy.
Fish and shellfish KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around fish and shellfish.
Fruit and vegetables KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around fruit and vegetables.
Food labelling and health claims KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around food labelling and hea...
Food science KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around food science.
Micronutrients KO 14-16
A Knowledge organisers providing key information around micronutrients.
Macronutrients, fibre and water KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing information around macronutrients, fibre and...
Energy and activity KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around energy and activity.
Digestion KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around digestion.
Sensory science KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around sensory science.
Good food hygiene practices KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around good food hygiene prac...
Food spoilage, contamination and poisoning KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around food spoilage, contami...
Food choice KO 14-16
A Knowledge organiser providing key information around food choice.
Welsh language Knowledge Organisers
Bwyta'n iach 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â bwyta'n iac...
Bwyd am oes 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â bwyd am oes.
Cynllunio beth i'w goginio 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol ynghylch cynllunio beth...
Glendid, diogelwch a choginio bwyd 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â hylendid bw...
O ble mae bwyd yn dod 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol o ble mae bwyd yn dod.
Cynnyrch llaeth, cig a physgod 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â cynnyrch ll...
Grawnfwyd, ffrwythau, llysiau a thatws 5-7
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â grawnfwydyd...
Bwyta'n iach a gweithgarwch corfforol 7-11
Trefnydd gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol ynghylch bwyta'n iach a...
Maetholion egni a threuliad 7-11
Trefnydd gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud ag egni, maet...
Glendid, diogelwch a choginio bwyd 7-11
Trefnydd gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â hylendid bw...
Cynllunio beth i'w goginio 7-11
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol ynghylch cynllunio beth...
O ble mae bwyd yn dod 7-11
Trefnydd Gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol o ble mae bwyd yn dod.
Grawnfwyd, ffrwythau, llysiau a thatws 7-11
Trefnydd gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â grawnfwydyd...
Cynnyrch llaeth, cig, pysgod a physgod cregyn 7-11
Trefnydd gwybodaeth sy'n darparu ffeithiau allweddol yn ymwneud â llaeth, cig...
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